Sketch by Watchdog
IIR Example
Created On: August 22, 2021
Cutoff Frequency of Low Pass Filter 160Hz
Sampling Time T = 100uS
R = 1kohm , C = 1uF
#define DACOUT 25
#define ADCIN 34
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); //debug purposes
// put your setup code here, to run once:
double output=0,outputPrev=0,voltagePrev=0;
void loop() {
//put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
//Take ADC input
double adcval = analogRead(ADCIN);
//convert it to Voltage readings
double voltage = adcval / 4096;
voltage *= 3.3;
//Determine output voltage
output = 0.047*voltage + 0.047*voltagePrev + 0.9*outputPrev;
//Serial.print(voltage); //debug statements
//Scale it as per DAC Resolution and output to DAC
double out = output*256;
out /= 3.3;
int DACoutput = (int)out;
//Assign variables for next iteration
//sample time T